AngularJS orderBy필터


항목을 알파벳순으로 표시:

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="orderCtrl">

<li ng-repeat="x in cars | orderBy">{{x}}</li>


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('orderCtrl', function($scope) {
    $ = ["Dodge", "Fiat", "Audi", "Volvo", "BMW", "Ford"];

정의 및 사용

orderBy필터를 사용하면 배열을 정렬할 수 있습니다 .

기본적으로 문자열은 알파벳순으로 정렬되고 숫자는 숫자순으로 정렬됩니다.


{{ array | orderBy : expression : reverse }}

매개변수 값

Value Description
expression The expression used to determine the order. The expression can be of type:

String: If the array is an array of objects, you can sort the array by the value of one of the object properties. See the examples below.

Function: You can create a function to organize the sorting.

Array: Use an array if you need more than one object property to determine the sorting order. The array items can be both strings and functions.
reverse Optional. Set to true if you want to reverse the order of the array.

더 많은 예


"도시"를 기준으로 배열을 정렬합니다.

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="orderCtrl">

<li ng-repeat="x in customers | orderBy : 'city'">{{ + ", " +}}</li>


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('orderCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.customers = [
        {"name" : "Bottom-Dollar Marketse" ,"city" : "Tsawassen"},
        {"name" : "Alfreds Futterkiste", "city" : "Berlin"},
        {"name" : "Bon app", "city" : "Marseille"},
        {"name" : "Cactus Comidas para llevar", "city" : "Buenos Aires"},
        {"name" : "Bolido Comidas preparadas", "city" : "Madrid"},
        {"name" : "Around the Horn", "city" : "London"},
        {"name" : "B's Beverages", "city" : "London"}


"city"를 기준으로 배열을 내림차순으로 정렬합니다.

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="orderCtrl">

<li ng-repeat="x in customers | orderBy : '-city'">{{ + ", " +}}</li>


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('orderCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.customers = [
        {"name" : "Bottom-Dollar Marketse" ,"city" : "Tsawassen"},
        {"name" : "Alfreds Futterkiste", "city" : "Berlin"},
        {"name" : "Bon app", "city" : "Marseille"},
        {"name" : "Cactus Comidas para llevar", "city" : "Buenos Aires"},
        {"name" : "Bolido Comidas preparadas", "city" : "Madrid"},
        {"name" : "Around the Horn", "city" : "London"},
        {"name" : "B's Beverages", "city" : "London"}

관련 페이지

AngularJS 튜토리얼: 각도 필터