부트스트랩 드롭다운 구성 요소


드롭다운에 대한 튜토리얼은 부트스트랩 드롭다운 튜토리얼 을 읽어보세요 .

Class Description Example
.dropdown Indicates a dropdown menu
.dropdown-menu Builds the dropdown menu
.dropdown-menu-right Right-aligns a dropdown menu
.dropdown-header Adds a header inside the dropdown menu
.dropup Indicates a dropup menu
.disabled Disables an item in the dropdown menu
.divider Separates items inside the dropdown menu with a horizontal line

접을 수 있는 것들

collapsibles에 대한 튜토리얼은 Bootstrap Collapse Tutorial 을 읽어보세요 .

Class Description Example
.collapse Indicates collapsible content - which can be hidden or shown on demand
.collapse .in Show the collapsible content by default
.panel-collapse Collapsible panel (toggle between hiding and showing panel(s))
Collapsible list group