HTML <form> rel 속성

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정의 및 사용

속성 은 rel현재 문서와 링크된 문서 간의 관계를 지정합니다.

브라우저 지원

rel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


<form rel="value">

속성 값

Value Description
external Specifies that the referenced document is not a part of the current site
help Links to a help document
license Links to copyright information for the document
next The next document in a selection
nofollow Links to an unendorsed document, like a paid link.
("nofollow" is used by Google, to specify that the Google search spider should not follow that link)
noreferrer Specifies that the browser should not send a HTTP referrer header if the user follows the hyperlink
prev The previous document in a selection
search Links to a search tool for the document

❮ HTML <form> 태그