XML 튜토리얼

XML 홈 XML 소개 XML 사용 방법 XML 트리 XML 구문 XML 요소 XML 속성 XML 네임스페이스 XML 표시 XML HttpRequest XML 파서 XML DOM XML XPath XML XSLT XML XQuery XML XLink XML 유효성 검사기 XML DTD XML 스키마 XML 서버 XML 예제 XML 퀴즈 XML 인증서




DOM 소개 DOM 노드 DOM 액세스 DOM 노드 정보 DOM 노드 목록 DOM 순회 DOM 탐색 DOM 값 가져오기 DOM 변경 노드 DOM 제거 노드 DOM 교체 노드 DOM 생성 노드 DOM 추가 노드 DOM 복제 노드 DOM 예제

XPath 튜토리얼

XPath 소개 XPath 노드 XPath 구문 XPath 축 XPath 연산자 XPath 예제

XSLT 튜토리얼

XSLT 소개 XSL 언어 XSLT 변환 XSLT <템플릿> XSLT <값> XSLT <각각> XSLT <정렬> XSLT <만약> XSLT <선택> XSLT 적용 클라이언트의 XSLT 서버의 XSLT XSLT XML 편집 XSLT 예

XQuery 튜토리얼

XQuery 소개 XQuery 예제 XQuery FLWOR 엑스쿼리 HTML XQuery 용어 XQuery 구문 XQuery 추가 XQuery 선택 XQuery 함수


DTD 소개 DTD 빌딩 블록 DTD 요소 DTD 속성 DTD 요소 대 속성 DTD 엔터티 DTD 예

XSD 스키마

XSD 소개 XSD 방법 XSD <스키마> XSD 요소 XSD 속성 XSD 제한 사항

XSD 컴플렉스

XSD 요소 XSD 비어 있음 XSD 요소만 XSD 텍스트만 XSD 혼합 XSD 지표 XSD <모든> XSD <모든 속성> XSD 대체 XSD 예

XSD 데이터

XSD 문자열 XSD 날짜 XSD 숫자 XSD 기타 XSD 참조




DOM 노드 유형 DOM 노드 DOM 노드 목록 DOM NamedNodeMap DOM 문서 DOM 요소 DOM 속성 DOM 텍스트 DOM CDATA DOM 주석 DOM XMLHttpRequest DOM 파서 XSLT 요소 XSLT/XPath 함수

XML 스키마 참조

XSD 요소

Element Explanation
all Specifies that the child elements can appear in any order. Each child element can occur 0 or 1 time
annotation Specifies the top-level element for schema comments
any Enables the author to extend the XML document with elements not specified by the schema

Enables the author to extend the XML document with attributes not specified by the schema

appinfo Specifies information to be used by the application (must go inside annotation)
attribute Defines an attribute
attributeGroup Defines an attribute group to be used in complex type definitions
choice Allows only one of the elements contained in the <choice> declaration to be present within the containing element
complexContent Defines extensions or restrictions on a complex type that contains mixed content or elements only
complexType Defines a complex type element
documentation Defines text comments in a schema (must go inside annotation)
element Defines an element
extension Extends an existing simpleType or complexType element
field Specifies an XPath expression that specifies the value used to define an identity constraint
group Defines a group of elements to be used in complex type definitions
import Adds multiple schemas with different target namespace to a document
include Adds multiple schemas with the same target namespace to a document
key Specifies an attribute or element value as a key (unique, non-nullable, and always present) within the containing element in an instance document
keyref Specifies that an attribute or element value correspond to those of the specified key or unique element
list Defines a simple type element as a list of values
notation Describes the format of non-XML data within an XML document
redefine Redefines simple and complex types, groups, and attribute groups from an external schema
restriction Defines restrictions on a simpleType, simpleContent, or a complexContent
schema Defines the root element of a schema
selector Specifies an XPath expression that selects a set of elements for an identity constraint
sequence Specifies that the child elements must appear in a sequence. Each child element can occur from 0 to any number of times
simpleContent Contains extensions or restrictions on a text-only complex type or on a simple type as content and contains no elements
simpleType Defines a simple type and specifies the constraints and information about the values of attributes or text-only elements
union Defines a simple type as a collection (union) of values from specified simple data types
unique Defines that an element or an attribute value must be unique within the scope

데이터 유형에 대한 XSD 제한 사항/패싯

XSD 제한 사항을 확인하십시오!

Constraint Description
enumeration Defines a list of acceptable values
fractionDigits Specifies the maximum number of decimal places allowed. Must be equal to or greater than zero
length Specifies the exact number of characters or list items allowed. Must be equal to or greater than zero
maxExclusive Specifies the upper bounds for numeric values (the value must be less than this value)
maxInclusive Specifies the upper bounds for numeric values (the value must be less than or equal to this value)
maxLength Specifies the maximum number of characters or list items allowed. Must be equal to or greater than zero
minExclusive Specifies the lower bounds for numeric values (the value must be greater than this value)
minInclusive Specifies the lower bounds for numeric values (the value must be greater than or equal to this value)
minLength Specifies the minimum number of characters or list items allowed. Must be equal to or greater than zero
pattern Defines the exact sequence of characters that are acceptable
totalDigits Specifies the maximum number of digits allowed. Must be greater than zero
whiteSpace Specifies how white space (line feeds, tabs, spaces, and carriage returns) is handled